
Nutani competitors rubrrik
Nutani competitors rubrrik

nutani competitors rubrrik

A future session next year would be good to see progress.

nutani competitors rubrrik

And finally an idea, as Nutanix is really a midrange solution, we invite HYCU team to consider Datrium and develops similar approach for them as Datrium really is an enterprise HCI play. It was a superb session, the team traveled from east coast and Goran Garevski, the Engr chief, even came for Lubiana (Slovenia) to meet us in California. With all of that I anticipate a bit, but HYCU should land in one of their partners in the next 18 months.

nutani competitors rubrrik

We understand also some technology synergies with Nutanix DR for ROBO and integration with CALM. f course some tests are needed but this is true by principle. In fact all things that can appear as a file system, local or remote, could be considered as a good candidate. The future is interesting as the team shared with us some directions perfectly aligned with Nutanix directions: Non Nutanix environments support, in fact already available since Q2 2018, SAP HANA and IBM Power CS Series for Q3 2018 and the support of LTFS as a new backup target.

Nutani competitors rubrrik